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Monday, January 9, 2012

Making Money with Rewards Programs

It seems like there are rewards programs for everything. In my opinion, some are not worth pursuing but there are some that I would recommend signing up for.

Here are my favorites:

Swagbucks.com is an online search engine much like Google. Whenever you use this website to search you earn "swagbucks". You can redeem your swagbucks for gift cards and other prizes. I made Swagbucks my default search engine and I earn about 10-20 points a day. You can also take surveys and watch videos to earn points.
There are a lot of cool prizes. Right now, you can get an Amazon.com gift card for only 450 points. Since June, I have earned a total of $25 in gift cards.
It may not seem like a lot, but it does add up!

Disney Movie Rewards awards points for purchasing and going to see Disney movies.
Eligible titles will contain a "magic code" that you enter on the site to score points. Each title is usually worth about 100 points.  I personally do not buy a lot of movies, but I went through the ones I had and was able to rack up 750 points!
They will also offer surveys and send codes via email that can be turned in for points.
Prizes mostly include Disney memorabilia but I was able to score a coupon for a free box of Pop-Secret popcorn for only 75 points!

If you have a little one in diapers, you might as well participate in diaper rewards programs! Pamper's Gifts to Grow program rewards members who purchase Pampers products. There is usually a Gifts to Grow code printed on the products. You enter the code online and you can begin earning points.
Points can be redeemed for various prizes including magazine subscriptions and free diapers.
With a little one, points can add up quickly. Pampers will also email you special codes from time to time.

Huggies Enjoy the Ride program is similar to the Pampers program but it is for Huggies. You can earn points by entering codes on eligible products and redeem them for prizes and entries into sweepstakes.
Huggies will also email you codes from time to time that can be entered for additional points.

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